Movie Review new super hero movie. Being a superhero like Superman or Batman is not a difficult thing for Britt Reid. He deliberately planned to be a superhero like she saw in movies. This is done when her father passed away and inherits Bitt with a largest newspaper company in Los Angeles. Britt everyday a playboy, spoiled child, and did not have a clear purpose in life, with all the confusion that inherited her father.

They started making vehicles and weapons as a means of supporting them. Obviously the selection of superhero costumes also names until they select as best as possible.
Until ultimately the number one villain in their town, Benjamin Chudnofsky was disturbed by their presence. Beating the drums of war began to topple each other.
Maybe you are already familiar with the heroic action of super hero movies. Well, in The Green Hornet, you will be presented with an unusual superhero action. Yes, the various scenes silly, funny, hilarious, but you will suspenseful movie presented Michel Gondry filmed this.
Just look at the action of Seth Rogen as Britt Reid and Jay Chou as Kato, would be a guarantee you an entertaining duo. With hilarity, innocence, and cohesiveness, they will not give you inexhaustible spectacle that is not commonly found in a superhero movie usually.
Starting from when deciding on the name of their hero, the action romp with a sophisticated car, when they fought each other until the misunderstanding, a few scenes are ready to churn your stomach.
Not to mention the presence of a sweet woman who became Secretary Cameron Diaz Britt Reid. Although its presence felt only as a sweetener, but Diaz is able to provide an entertaining.
Not forgetting the presence of the figure of Christoph Waltz is an enemy of the Green Hornet. Figure Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa still attached, a sadistic Nazi character in the film Inglorious Basterds will be lost instantly in her role in this film. Instead, he will entertain you as criminals who are hungry for praise. To be sure not to miss seeing action you want the costume Waltz as the villain, because these scenes that will make you laugh funny.