White snake legend in Chinese mythology is a story that is quite popular, many versions of the story that ultimately enrich the story. In their own homeland white snake story never aired in the television version and had become a favorite spectacle in mid 1990s.

The meeting begins at Xu Xian with his friends for the flowers and leaves to be used as medicine in the woods. Green snake named Qing Qing (Charlene Choi) Xu Xian youth surprising that causing it to fall into the river. Xu Xu is transformed so beautiful woman eventually help Xu Xian and immediately fell in love with youth gatherers traditional medicines.
The problem comes through the character Fa Hai (Jet Li), a monk of the temple Jinshan. Fa Hai is a reliable exterminator stealth, stealth almost all were arrested and locked up in the pagoda. For Fa Hai relationship between humans and demons are forbidden. But thanks to the kindness Xu Xu that gives an element of stealth in Xu Xian made drugs to save lives, create opportunities for Fa Hai Xu Xu.
Unlike the television version, The Sorcerer and the White Snake version of Tony Ching is extraordinary. Romance between Xu and Xu Xian Xi very deep and can even be a reason for you to shed a tear. The use of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) in the film was not inferior to Hollywood.
Packed with action fantasy genre, this movie actually describes a world of ancient Chinese mythology legend. Some details of the city and the beautiful natural scenery amazed with this movie.