The Vow Movie, Romance between Leo (Channing Tatum) and Paige (Rachel McAdams), initially running with a very harmonious, both genders are equally enjoy the important moments in their love life. In the end, they agreed to do it in a more serious direction with the wedding.
Paige career in the art world is in accordance with the life of Leo who has a recording studio business. But the harmony in which they live suddenly disappeared after two car accident.
Leo and Paige both have serious injuries but both lives can still be saved. When performing maintenance at the hospital, Leo managed to recover it first, but his wife still had injuries in the head that resulted in amnesia (loss of memory).
A variety of beautiful moments with Leo Paige suddenly vanished because of amnesia in misery. Paige did not even remember he was married to Leo. Who is able to remember by Paige just moments before the meeting with her husband. Leo Darisinilah struggle to try to restore his wife's memory and love begins.
In terms of story, The Vow movie has a very touching story line as well as romantic as it was adapted from a true story. But that does not mean the film is directed by Michael Sucsy is only offering a story that could only shed tears, in which there remains mild spices comedy that certainly can make us smile for a moment.
The messages conveyed try The Vow movie also is wise, where we as human beings should appreciate and accept all the important moments in life, whether it's a happy occasion or a sad.
Overall, the movie The Vow is considered very fitting to welcome valentine day later. Hopefully for couples who are making love or married later, can better appreciate the moments of togetherness again for love.
Leo and Paige both have serious injuries but both lives can still be saved. When performing maintenance at the hospital, Leo managed to recover it first, but his wife still had injuries in the head that resulted in amnesia (loss of memory).
A variety of beautiful moments with Leo Paige suddenly vanished because of amnesia in misery. Paige did not even remember he was married to Leo. Who is able to remember by Paige just moments before the meeting with her husband. Leo Darisinilah struggle to try to restore his wife's memory and love begins.
In terms of story, The Vow movie has a very touching story line as well as romantic as it was adapted from a true story. But that does not mean the film is directed by Michael Sucsy is only offering a story that could only shed tears, in which there remains mild spices comedy that certainly can make us smile for a moment.
The messages conveyed try The Vow movie also is wise, where we as human beings should appreciate and accept all the important moments in life, whether it's a happy occasion or a sad.
Overall, the movie The Vow is considered very fitting to welcome valentine day later. Hopefully for couples who are making love or married later, can better appreciate the moments of togetherness again for love.
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