The incident began when Carter is trying to hide in the cave turned out to find the mysterious figure known as the latter in the Thern (the known magic on the planet Barsoom). Be Carter exploring the red planet.
In Barsoom itself there are two long-warring tribes, Zodanga and Helium. Zodanga led cruel ruler Sab Than (Dominic West), while the king led Helium Tardos Mors (Ciaran Hinds) who has a beautiful princess named Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins).
Sab Tan who was helped by Matai Shang (Mark Strong) Thern leader of the ninth ray guns that have made it almost cruel leader seized Helium. Tardos king who desperately do not want to see destroyed the kingdom and its people were forced to accept the offer Sab Tan who wanted to marry Dejah as a condition of peace.
Carter himself on Barsoom start his adventure when he met with Tars Tarkas, a leader of the Tharks. Green reptile creature who has four hands. Along the Tharks, Carter Dejah ultimately helping to defeat the evil intentions Sab Tan and Matai Shang.
Overall adaptation of the John Carter stories adapted from Edgar Rice Burroughs' first novel, titled A Princess of Mars that look stunning. Andrew Stanton's success with Finding Nemo (2003) and WALL · E (2008) describes life on Mars Barsoon or very simple, almost similar to life in Jasoom, called Planet Earth for the people of Barsoom.
Among the tribal war between Zodanga and Helium on board floating in the air that can make a tense, your adrenaline is going down while watching inserts romance between John Carter and Dejah Thoris. Curious to see the action, see John Carter began March 14, 2012.
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