Independence Day Movie Sequel Preparation
General Details sequel to Independence Day (1996) are now beginning to unfold. The director Roland Emmerich, stating that he already has plans to make two sequels to Independence Day with a background of 20 years of previous events.
According to news reported by Entertainment Weekly, two tentative title is a sequel to Independence Day Forever Part ID 1 and ID Forever part 2. The film will be about the anticipation of the human, the aliens revenge mission ever defeat in their previous films.
"People know that one day aliens will revenge. The only way humans can explore space is through a mysterious hole. Those aliens they can come to earth with a time of two to three weeks, but for a man to spend 20 to 25 years, "Roland said.
Disekuelnya later, Roland will combine old actor with the new players. Bill Pullman who served as President of the United States Thomas J. Whitmore, known diving will return the character in the sequel to Independence Day. As for the main cast are Will Smith, it is yet to be confirmed about his involvement even though Ross Bagley stepson who plays Will in Independence Day, it is likely going to appear in the sequel later.
"Most of the characters are still the same, but there are also new characters younger.'s Like the story of the boy who took over everything. At first movie ended with little success because the man just gives hope. Later in the sequel, humans seek to break free again from alien terror, "said Roland.
For this sequel project, in collaboration with author Roland Robocop (1987) and The Amazing Spiderman 2 Dean Devlin and James Vanderbilt. Regarding the production and delivery schedules sequel Independence Day, Roland is still not willing to comment.
According to news reported by Entertainment Weekly, two tentative title is a sequel to Independence Day Forever Part ID 1 and ID Forever part 2. The film will be about the anticipation of the human, the aliens revenge mission ever defeat in their previous films.
"People know that one day aliens will revenge. The only way humans can explore space is through a mysterious hole. Those aliens they can come to earth with a time of two to three weeks, but for a man to spend 20 to 25 years, "Roland said.
Disekuelnya later, Roland will combine old actor with the new players. Bill Pullman who served as President of the United States Thomas J. Whitmore, known diving will return the character in the sequel to Independence Day. As for the main cast are Will Smith, it is yet to be confirmed about his involvement even though Ross Bagley stepson who plays Will in Independence Day, it is likely going to appear in the sequel later.
"Most of the characters are still the same, but there are also new characters younger.'s Like the story of the boy who took over everything. At first movie ended with little success because the man just gives hope. Later in the sequel, humans seek to break free again from alien terror, "said Roland.
For this sequel project, in collaboration with author Roland Robocop (1987) and The Amazing Spiderman 2 Dean Devlin and James Vanderbilt. Regarding the production and delivery schedules sequel Independence Day, Roland is still not willing to comment.
Independence Day 2 Movie Worth to Wait
utradara Roland Emmerich is not endless obsession for mennghancurkan channel world. Yes, not yet finished with the furor that resulted in the 2012 film cinema queues throughout the world through the depiction of the destruction of the earthquake, avalanches, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, director born 10 November 1955 is scheduled to re-produce a movie. Of course, still with his hobby ravage the world through film.
Independence Day, a movie that has been outstanding for more than a decade and catapulted the name of Roland, scheduled to be made a sequel. In the film tells the story of the pioneers who fight this alien world with Roland will return to pick up Will Smith. Independence Day is still going to tell you about the Earth being attacked by aliens.
For the title itself, Roland plans to give the title ID-4ever, Part I and II. Here the point he just wants to continue the unfinished story. But unfortunately, so far everything is just merely a discourse, the script was even written yet. Hmm, maybe Roland amid cool to enjoy success in 2012 huh? To that end, Roland did not want to talk much about the movie plans.
But it seems all these plans are worth the wait. As we all know, the class filmmaker Roland is already a guarantee of quality for movie lovers. We'll see success in destroying the world through films like Godzilla, the giant lizard that ate New York, wiping out human threat during the melting of the ice hemisphere through The Day After Tomorrow, and the final version of the apocalypse movie Roland, 2012 that in Indonesia alone into movies quite controversial. So, we just wait for the action of Roland in the next Independence Day.
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