Exorcismus movie. Family of John (Richard Felix) originally lived very harmoniously, but the situation changed drastically since her eldest daughter named Emma (Sophie Vavasseur) began to experience trance. John and his wife named Lucy (Jo-Anne Stockham) are the parental figures who were thinking very scientifically and logically. Lucy even less convinced about the existence of God. Therefore, she is more in priority in medical care and taken to a psychologist.
John family harmony when Emma started deteriorating often possessed and tried to kill all his relatives. Seeing the situation, John and Lucy finally realized that the disorder is often experienced by her daughter it was due to interference with the mystical. They begin to believe about the existence of spirits after catching body parts floating in the kitchen Emma home.
Lucy eventually sought assistance from his brother Christopher (Stephen Billington), who is a pastor as well as having experience in casting out demons. But unfortunately, the devil was successfully incited Emma to kill his younger brother named Mark (Lazzaro E. Oertli Ortiz). since then, Lucy and Emma began to severe depression in the stay away by all of his extended family.
In Exorcismus movie, the character Emma and Christophers be the main character on the big screen this horror. Although this film tells the story of the exorcism that pervasive in the human body, but the figure of the devil itself does not appear in person for causing a sense of mystery in this film.
Impression was increasingly felt horror when Emma starts experiencing possessed. His face is initially sweet and gorgeous, instantly turned into a very creepy. At the time of possession, her eyes all white and his voice became much heavier and harder.
Some very horrible scene was when Emma tore his own hand with a shard of glass to make a pentagram symbol and the spirit of his expulsion by Christopher. Behind the strange events that hit the John Evans, Emma and Chris figure apparently had the same purpose of the presence of the devil.
The film directed by Manuel Carballo has a message about the importance of family harmony, though in it there is a wide range of disputes. Is the devil John managed to kill the entire family in order to increase its power? or Christopher would be able to drive out the evil spirit from the body of Emma?
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