The Witness Movie Review.General Manager of a hotel named Angel (Gwen Zamora) has just moved redeployed from Manila to Jakarta. When invited to dinner by his mother after work, a man not known suddenly come to use a rifle and killed both his parents and his younger brother Safara (Kimberly Rider).
Angel who at that time was in the bathroom was very surprised to learn that his entire family was killed by a well-built man. Despite trying to escape from the tense situation, Angel finally come shot in the back and had to do an intensive care at the hospital.
Once revived, Angel began to feel a variety of strange events. He was always overshadowed by the ghost Safara and both parents, as well as having the same dream about a young man who committed suicide. As time went on, Angel finally found some clues of the murder.
After the success of the film Redeem (2011), Muhammad Yusuf, the director of The Witness seemed to demonstrate expertise in directing the big screen story becomes more gripping and thrilling. One of the thrilling scene is, when Angel tried to get away from the clutches of Satria (Piere Gruno) as the perpetrators of the murder of his family. There was also a heartbreaking scene, where Safara lover named Ais (Grand Saga) willingly slashed the sleeves by eliminating the name of his girlfriend's initials tattoo.
Beby Hasibuan as the screenwriter of The Witness who previously made a successful screenplay Small Letters to God (2011), considered to have successfully created a storyline full of mystery that makes the audience focus attention to every stage of the instructions given by the Angel.
In addition to thrilling, the film The Witness also filled with drama element that is very touching. one of which was at the scene when Angel receives a call from her aunt in the Philippines, who asked how the killings could befall her family.
Overall, the movie Witness was very stressful at the same time have an interesting story to be listened to. Intrigued by the work of the big screen who earned an A by the film development council Philippine Cinema Evaluation Board (CEB) is?
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