Identity Thief Movie An employee named Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman) career and life in danger after realizing that his family credentials used by an imposter. Sandy began the space is limited because he could not use his credit card for day-to-day needs. Even saving the future of her daughters also eaten away by these fraudsters. Not quite up there, Sandy also had made ashamed of their work environment because almost every day he gets a visit from the police scary because they have committed illegal transactions through the credit card. Feeling fed up with the problems he did not commit, he was trying to ask for police assistance. However, due to the meticulous bureaucracy, he finally decided to take matters into their own in order to restore his good name in the company where he worked and his family.
After learning that the identity thief, Sandy was immediately rushed to get there and tried to persuade him to testify in Colorado police where he lived. Turns arrested an imposter is not as easy as he had anticipated, especially when dealing with a fraudster mafia.
As a comedy, Identity Thief movie turned out to have serious story where there is a father who is trying to restore the good name of his family for the future. Jason Bateman who plays Sandy, is considered very suitable diving where the character he's ever done it before in the movie Hancock (2008). In the film he plays a man wise and consistent to maintain family harmony.
As with Jason, Melissa McCarthy is also very maximum diving role as Diana. Here he was able to transform from appearance to behavior that sucks. In addition, Diana seemed to be the caretaker of the film where the character is very unpredictable coupled with the fact that identity is still vague.
Behind the humor and drama in the movie Identity Thief, the big screen by director Seth Gordon is trying to convey a positive message about self-esteem and trying hard to get whatever you want. Overall, the 111-minute duration of the film is very entertaining and brings a unique comedy of the story.
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